Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Thought, Freedom of Pot Essay

Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Thought, Freedom of Pot! nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There is a war going on; it keeps thousands in pain every night, a war that if were to end, could save thousands of people’s lives. This is the war on marijuana. You could say that marijuana has a bad reputation in the eyes of many people, but in reality it is a drug which has the ability of saving lives and curing diseases in which have plagued us for too long. People need to be informed on the good that marijuana can bring not just to this country, but to the whole world. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Marijuana (cannabis sativa) is often referred to as pot, tea, grass, weed, hashish, maryjane, ganja, skunk, and there are many, many more depending on how†¦show more content†¦nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;In the United Stated of America, if someone breaks a law then they are arrested or penalized in some way or another. Smoking or having possession of marijuana is against the law, thus labeling over 18 million people as criminals (Brenner 1) and among them include important and successful people (Bill Clinton). People argue that legalizing marijuana would result in the downfall of the U.S., this is not likely at all. If marijuana were to be legalized there would be laws similar to tobacco and alcohol laws, therefore virtually eliminating the risk factor that is involved with this drug. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; The government has been fearful of sending the message that if marijuana is medically useful, it can be used as a recreational drug (Dudley 61). This proves that there is, in fact, at least some medical use for marijuana. The government may fear that if marijuana is legalized it might cause as much trouble as alcohol and tobaccos have caused in the U.S. In example, the FBI reports that 65-75% of criminal violence is alcohol related, but it is legal... what’s that all about? (Quick Facts 2). This leads to the idea that marijuana smokers are more likely to stay safer than people using alcohol just because of the fact that marijuana smokers are more careful about smoking than people using alcohol are, maybe the government already knows this and that is why marijuana is illegal, that is probably not the case but it could still beShow MoreRelatedEssay on Struggles of African Americans1125 Words   |  5 PagesWe live in this nation as a united family but never forgetting our past. We never overlook the history of the pilgrims who traveled here for their religious freedom, our gain of independence or of our horrible past about slavery because we know as a nation that those things shape our future and also guide our future generations to restrain from our past mistakes. 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